Saturday, October 19, 2013

Start Fresh

In the previous class we changed our lab groups. You're probably wondering where I am going with this or what is the point of this blog post. To answer that, first you have to answer my question, have you ever thought of what it would be like if you were surrounded with different people? This is what I was thinking the whole time, so I had an open-mind to this switching. My previous group would be hard to forget, but I am sure that I will make new memories with my new lab group. The first lab we did together went along pretty well because I followed along with the group and understood the process. I asked questions when I was confused (which was most of the time) which made the experience a bit different. In my previous group I wasn't afraid to ask them, it was just that I didn't ask too many questions when I needed to. I know this will give me a new experience and challenge and I am willing to accept it with an open-mind.

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