Sunday, October 27, 2013

Estimating Powers of 10

When Mr. Battaglia first brought up estimating the powers of 10 I was lost. I didn't get how to add the two items presented. So I asked Mr. Battaglia for a little more assistance. We brought up the scenario of How many fruit flies can fit one side of a school bus? STEPS 😁: 1) Estimate how big a fruit fly is. We estimated it to be 1mm which is 10 to the -3 power 2) Estimate how long a school bus is. We came up with 10 to the first power. 3) How many 10 to the -3 go into 10 to the first power. Answer: 10 to the 4th power (100,000) VIOLA! You just got your answer. It was much simpler than I thought! It was a good thing I asked Mr. Battaglia for extra help. I over thought the whole situation and was afraid to ask for help, but when I did I ended up understanding the lesson.

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