Sunday, October 27, 2013

Estimating Powers of 10

When Mr. Battaglia first brought up estimating the powers of 10 I was lost. I didn't get how to add the two items presented. So I asked Mr. Battaglia for a little more assistance. We brought up the scenario of How many fruit flies can fit one side of a school bus? STEPS 😁: 1) Estimate how big a fruit fly is. We estimated it to be 1mm which is 10 to the -3 power 2) Estimate how long a school bus is. We came up with 10 to the first power. 3) How many 10 to the -3 go into 10 to the first power. Answer: 10 to the 4th power (100,000) VIOLA! You just got your answer. It was much simpler than I thought! It was a good thing I asked Mr. Battaglia for extra help. I over thought the whole situation and was afraid to ask for help, but when I did I ended up understanding the lesson.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Start Fresh

In the previous class we changed our lab groups. You're probably wondering where I am going with this or what is the point of this blog post. To answer that, first you have to answer my question, have you ever thought of what it would be like if you were surrounded with different people? This is what I was thinking the whole time, so I had an open-mind to this switching. My previous group would be hard to forget, but I am sure that I will make new memories with my new lab group. The first lab we did together went along pretty well because I followed along with the group and understood the process. I asked questions when I was confused (which was most of the time) which made the experience a bit different. In my previous group I wasn't afraid to ask them, it was just that I didn't ask too many questions when I needed to. I know this will give me a new experience and challenge and I am willing to accept it with an open-mind.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

A little break

Our last "fiesta" before actually doing hands on projects was taken on Thursday. This time I am feeling fairly good about this test. The last test surely pushed me to do better. It was a review on the last "fiesta" we did to see if we have a better grasp on the previous topics. Before taking fiesta #2 we were informed of a fundraiser to help our physics classes. For the fundraiser we are supposed to sell cookie dough. Hopefully I can contribute by selling at least three tubs of cookie dough. Wish me luck!!!!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Fiesta Testing in Physics

Welcome back to my blog!!! When you read the title you probably were a little confused and thats alright because being confused is always associated with physics. Fiesta is what we call our tests that measures are understanding on the topics we have learned so far. I am frustrated because of the fact that I realized my mistake after I have already turned in the "fiesta." I had just made a simple mistake that could cost me the whole test. I graphed the independent and dependent variables on the wrong axis. Switching the two could have also affected one of the parts of the last question. I am a bit disappointed. This will surely motivate me to try harder on the next "fiesta." Till next time fellow bloggers!!!!!!